=============================== Wmp2Split Version 0.4 Shareware (c)1995 by PHADE Software Wed Sept 20 11:03:52 EDT 1995 =============================== This is a MPEG-1-Audio Editor, running under Windows. It currently supports MPEG-1 Audio Layer 1,2&3 and the CutMaster-Format. You can set a selection and cut and append the selection to a new or an existing file. If you want to have more features start registrating. The Shareware-Version only works with short MPEG Audio Files. Get the full version for full support. See below. If you want to know more about MPEG, read the file MPCDINFO.TXT ! Or check the Web online-documentation under http://www.cs.tu-berlin.de/~phade/mpeg.html Install ------- Simply start the executable WMP2SPLT.EXE from Windows. When you start it the first time, it will ask you for the location of a MPEG-Audio player, like Xing's XING_PLY.EXE. The PD MPEG-1 Audio-Player from XingTechnology called MPGAUDIO.ZIP can be found on most sites. Bugs ---- o appending only works, when the streams were coded by the SAME MPEG Audio encoder o appending does'nt look for sequence ending codes, appended part maybe played in "silence" o files with more that 32.767 frames are not supported yet SHAREWARE --------- WMP2SPLT is inexpensive shareware. If you are continuing using it after a 30 day trial-period, please register WMP2SPLT by returning the registration form to PHADE Software and paying the registration fee of DEM 40.- (about $ 30). Read the file REGSTER.FRM for details. In return you will receive the full support tool via normal mail on a floppy-disk or better, via uuencoded e-mail. Permission to use this software and its documentation for testing purpose or registered commercial use is hereby granted. The re- distribution of this software and its documentation is allowed provided that the archive remains complete, that this author notice will appear in all copies and a commercial re-distribution is reported to and certified and checked by PHADE Software. ATTENTION: A registration is recommended for any commercial use. ATTENTION: The full-licensed version is restricted to a local area netword (company) or a privat single host. Please keep me up to date with everything thats new about MPEG by sending new source-code, utils or documents concerning MPEG-1, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 to the e-mail-adress below. Instead of a help-file ---------------------- Two features are implemented: o cutting o appending of MPEG-1 Audio-only files. These files usally have the extension .mp2 or .mpa. I prefer the extension .m1a for (m)PEG (1) (a)udio. The only special thing about WMP2SPLT is, that it can perform its actions directly on the binary, compressed audio-stream instead of having to decode and then recompress. The only tool I know that can do this so far, is the new Encoder-Software from Xing Technology, but it cost more than $ 1.500 ! To start with WMP2SPLT you load a MPEG-1 Audiofile via File|Open source. After scanning that new stream (what will take a while), WMP2SPLT will display useful information about that stream, most important the number of 'frames'. Now you can set a selection via Edit|Set selection. Use the scrollers to set the preferred starting and ending frame in the dialog box and press 'Play selection'. After copying the desired parts of the original to a temporary file you can listen to the selection, that you were cutting out. Press 'Ok' in the dialog box to keep this selection or 'Cancel' to forget about it. If you were pressing 'Ok', you have a 'active' selection, meaning when you now perform one of the actions, like saving or appending, the selection will be used. Re-open the source file to undo this selection. Saving: With a 'active' selection, the selected frames of the source stream will be saved to a new stream via File|Save as. Is there no 'active' selection, the whole source file can be saved to a new location and name. Append: With a 'active' selection, the selected frames of the source stream can be appended to another stream via File|Append to. Is there no 'active' selection, the whole source file can be appended to another one. Playing: The 'active' selection or if there is none, the whole file can be played via Edit|Play source. If a selection was saved or appended, it can be played via Edit|Play target. Supported are standard MPEG-1 Audiostreams and even now, the streams coming from the Cutmaster Software, which produces files with the extension .snd or .s48. To produce normal MPEG-1 Audiostreams out of the later, skip at least the first 6 frames ... In Version 0.4 the option-menu was added. A new feature to turn of the pre-scanning of the opened MPEG-audio stream was implemented. Diabling this, lets analyze a audio stream in a second ! The real number of frames in that audio stream will be counted on-the-fly while f. e. playing a selection. As well, it is now possible to set a temporary directory from the option-menu. It is very usefull to set the temporary directory to a directory on a quick local drive (for networks) or a ramdrive. This usally reduces any proccessing times to about 2/3. That should do, Phade ---------------------------------------------------- PHADE SOFTWARE Leibnizstr. 30, 10625 Berlin, GERMANY Inh. Frank Gadegast Fon/Fax: +49 30 3128103 phade@contrib.de http://www.is.in-berlin.de/~phade